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SmartNoggin Toys Giveaway!!!

Dr. Bethany Buryta

Updated: Apr 1, 2020


As a healthcare practitioner that serves kids, one question I get asked frequently is:

"What should my baby be doing?"


Babies develop at all different rates and in their own unique ways, but there are certain developmental milestones to look for.

Developmental milestones are skills most children achieve by a certain age and should develop within a specific sequence. 

Some of the most important physical developmental milestones that occur within the first year of life are:⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 👶🏻 Birth

🤱🏻⁣⁣⁣ Properly Latching and Feeding

🙇🏻‍♀️⁣⁣ Lifting head during tummy time

🔄⁣⁣⁣ Rolling over

🧘🏻‍♂️⁣⁣⁣ Sitting unassisted

🥑⁣⁣⁣ Starting solids

🚼⁣⁣⁣ Creeping/crawling


🧠 Learning more advanced physical and mental activities ⁣⁣⁣💪🏻

Many of these milestones develop through simple play, and they are often facilitated through interaction with toys and other surroundings.


As a pediatric chiropractor, I understand the importance of raising a whole brained child that is able to integrate sensory and motor function during playtime. And as a mom, I feel your frustrations of having to home-school for the unforeseeable future.

That is why I’m making it my mission to provide caregivers access to the best learning tools and information that will help encourage their baby’s critical early milestones.

As a way to give back to my patients and followers,

I have partnered up with


included in their award winning

Milestone Makerline featured below!

AND, as an added bonus, baby’s developmental milestones for ages birth to 12 months are listed in the parent guide included with each SmartNoggin® Milestone Maker™ toy.


Giveaway #1

The NogginStik Developmental Light-up Rattle isn’t just a cute toy. It’s an educational tool that will guide you through activities and interactions that will help encourage your baby’s milestones, beginning at birth!

The NogginStik® was designed to help parents, caregivers and early intervention therapists begin encouraging early milestones in infants.

The NogginStik head lights up red, blue and green to stimulate a baby’s eyes and to encourage visual tracking.  

The base of the NogginStik makes a soft rattle sound to please the ears which helps facilitate auditory orientation. 

It has an easy to hold handle for mastering reaching and grasping fun textures to delight the sense of touch.

Your baby’s NogginStik® will help you begin to encourage her beginning milestones from the day she is born! (Ages 0+)

Use the amazon link here to purchase

The SmartNoggin NogginStik®

with a small discount right now!


Giveaway #2

The NogginSeek Peek & Seek Rattle is a Developmental Milestone Maker™ and the ideal rattle for all babies.

The NogginSeek Peek & Seek Rattle is the ideal rattle for all babies. Every shake produces exciting movement and sounds. The NogginSeek’s research-based design encourages baby’s awareness of object permanence, promotes wrist rotation, cause and effect, grasping and rattle play. (Ages 3m+)

Your NogginSeek features:

  • A clear sphere that encourages shaking.

  • Beads that spin with the movement of baby’s wrist, creating baby’s first lesson in physics.

  • Textured handle for feeling and sized for easy grasping.

  • Striped tube that slides in and out of handle for visual interest and to encourage wrist rotation.

  • Beads that hide in the striped tube when the NogginSeek Rattle is held upright to encourage awareness of object permanence.

Use the amazon link here to purchase

The SmartNoggin NogginSeek Peek & Seek Rattle right now!


Giveaway #3

The NogginRings is a Classic Developmental Milestone Maker. It has been thoughtfully designed to help encourage your baby’s social interaction, reaching, grasping and batting skills. This updated version of this iconic toy offers your baby many opportunities to practice his developing skills through play. (Ages 0+) Recommended for ages Birth – 12 months

Your NogginRings features:

  • Flexible Rings for Batting, Reaching, Grasping and transferring from one hand to the other

  • Contrasting colors to See and Visually Track

  • Rattle sound to encourage Turning in the Direction of Sound

  • Encourages Social Play and Interaction

  • Parent Guide to baby’s milestones included

Use the amazon link here to purchase

The SmartNoggin NogginRings

with a small discount right now!


For more info on how to


Head over to

for more details on how to enter and

get a FREE NogginStik®, NogginSeek Peek & Seek Rattle or NogginRing

for your baby.


ALSO, be sure to check out Rochester House Call Chiropractic's additional

for several other developmental tools


to help keep you and your kiddos developing those gross & fine motor skills

despite being stuck at home.


It is my hope that sharing these tools will aid parents and caregivers in helping all children achieve their full potential starting day one!

Be sure to head over to Instagram to ENTER AND WIN!

With Love from your Favorite Pediatric Chiropractor,

Dr. Bethany Buryta

Rochester House Call Chiropractic

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